Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ebony is on point!

This is the August 2008 cover of Ebony magazine. It has to be my favorite cover they've done thus far! There is no doubt that our new President elect is the coolest politician I've ever seen in my life. He has a certain "swag" about him that puts him into a league of his own. I am extremely impressed with his demeanor and calming presence. It's nice to finally have a stylish sophistication in the oval office. Will all please stand for this "too cool" black man!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tights Please!

I think that during the cold winter months stockings and tights are not only an accessory but a necessity! There is a website I thought I would share with you because I am in love with everything they sell. For some odd reason we tend to forget that our hosiery can sometimes make or break an outfit. We should remember clean and polished looks. Always make lasting impressions and leave the onlooker wondering why you look so flawless! I do think this website will prove to be a great addition to all your other favorites. All your hosiery and undergarment prayers has just officially been answered!

*Bi sou*



For all of you who don't already know and for all of you who are trying to pretend that you dont care, I would just like to reinerate that "MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK" !!! History is literally in the making and I'm so proud that I was apart of it! I take pride in this country now! If you had any doubt that God is truly awesome, you should be convinced now! Get on the Barak bus if not get ran over!! I love it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

LA Fashion week!

LA fashion week is starting with a bang! Kevan Hall's show was filled with all cheers and no jeers on Sunday! He is clearly turning the heads of all the right people. A celebrity studded audience who didn't contain themselves as Hall's models strutted down the runway! I love it

*Bi Sou* Brooke

Friday, October 10, 2008

This Just in...

Cosmogirl folds! Whats next Teen Vogue? This economy doesn't foster a great advertising environment, and as a result our fashionable teens suffer! Ok, so here's a tear for my fallen publication. R.I.P. Cosmo Girl!

Springing into spring... already!

Im all about knowing what each impending season brings! This spring 2009 will bring Op art, zippers, the little white dress, butterflys and outrageous floral patterns, among other things. Please don't forget about you accessories. Hand bags with chain straps should be your companion at all times! Don't worry those vintagae Chanel bags will do the trick! Personally I am looking forward to the spring shopping fall brings!
*Bi Sou*

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Let's work people!

Hello, my fellow grinders! As the fall and winter seasons approach us, lets be sure to not get haggard and restless. Cold weather is no excuse to look like crap and work like sloths! Modamouth.com has finally launched, I wish my good friend Charles Wade the best! Please check his site out for all things fabulous and fashion firece! I am looking forward to the great booties and boots the cold weather brings with it and I hope that you are prepared too. I am presently complilinga list of the sites that allow you guys and gals to look chic for cheap! I hope it helps those you who are fab on a budget.
Work ethic has a tendency to fall behind a bit when the weather gets wretch, however I am holding you guys accountable for your own success. Set goals. You should not be in the same place whn next season comes in! Only you know what these goals are, write them down, make it plain! I am looking forward to hearing the success stories! I will be telling some myself! So with all that said...
*Bi sou*

Monday, September 29, 2008

Issued to handle our issues!

I'll say that life is indeed full of twists, turns, winding roads and a mess of issues! I however am inclined to shout from the rooftops that I am a firm believer in that old saying: "God never allows more than we can handle." I am at a point now in my life where the decisions I make are basically deal breakers or deal makers! I have very little margin for error. I know that God has provided all of us with the sensibility and kneelabilty to handle everything thrown in our way. Although we must account for the things we cause ourselves! Some roadblocks are created and replicated in our own basements and backyards, if you know what I mean. I do think that if we get out of our own way and let God handle our fluidity things would be so much easier. I personally know that I've been ordained to do great things! I will not disappoint! Sacrifice and savvy is my plan to making to the pinnacle of success. What's your plan? When will you develop a road map for your life if you haven't already done so? Why not do it today! Just get up and get to it! I have new fashion ventures coming up and I will make sure I document every event! I am so happy to have the few readers I d o have and I thank you for taking the time to take in my thoughts on things.

*Bi sou*

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sorry its been a minute!

Trying to manage my life and this blog hasn't been as easy as I imagined! I apologize! I have kicked my career dealings into over-drive and this week as well as last week has been complete madness. I am also devising a plan to get back to Atlanta ASAP! But more of that coming later. So we've done fashion week and now now I'm preparing for market season. Showrooms are buzzing, buyers are calculating their budgets and I am trying to get caught up in all! I love this season! I am living for the things that bring me joy! Who knew retail math could save me from myself! I am blessed to have a supporting family and literally a hand full of friends who find my whimsical nature and tenacious attitude something to be desired. Although, I can be a bit mean at time, not on purpose of course, I love them all dearly and I am just trying to navigate through this journey called my life.

I will be 25 in November and I am very concerned about not being in the place I would like to be, so i need to get on the "good foot". I will make the necessary sacrifice and follow my fearless leader (GOD) from one showroom to another until the door mat says welcome Brooke. I am determined to run it by the time I'm 26! I encourage all of you to stay motivated and tenacious as well! I am proof that God rewards diligence!

*Bi sou*

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fashion Week! I live

So of course September 5, 2008 kicked off fashion week here in New York and I just am way too excited! Bryant Park, the promenade, the tents... its like sex only better! LMAO! I hope that you who are here in NY can take some time out to sneak in a show or 6!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The love for sacrifice!

I actually have discovered something about myself that I believe is essential to a successful and happy lifestyle. I have a deep love for sacrifice. What do I mean? Ok, so we are not always working where we want to work or doing things that are "cushy" but I've noticed that once you commit to the moment and make the sacrifices that allow for personal growth you'll be successful at the task at hand, whether you are where you currently want to be or not. I am working toward a very specific goal professionally(I keep that to myself because I only need good things being spoken into my existence) and I am not there yet, however the place I am professionally I have sacrificed certain levels of comfort to excel. It is my experience that the sacrifice does not have to even be directly related to your end goal! Committing to the moment allows one to be fulfilled right now! I think emptiness comes when there's an anticipation for what one desires and that anticipation breeds neglect for the place one is in currently. I am a committed person and I love to be great at whatever I am doing, I am however learning to not be in a place of constant anxiety and anxiousness. I love fashion with all my heart, the business aspects, the fun whimsical parts of it and I know that I'm great at what I add to the business. I do know that this is a very competitive industry and if I allow what I see others doing to rush my growth and progress I will definitely be outside of God's will. Knowing that things happen in seasons are so important. I charge all of you to love the sacrifice and enjoy the journey as I am allowing myself to do.Emptiness and self loathing takes up way too much time and energy, commit to the moment.

Now, I need to clarify that while in your commitment to the moment, don't get distracted. If you know that you are using a position to prepare you for another don't lose sight of the ultimate goal. Many people get stuck somewhere they hadn't intended for 10 -15 years, don't get in that rut! Stay focused, don't burn good bridges and love the moment, embrace your journey and pick up fabulous pairs of shoes on the way!
*Bi sou* Brooke

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to the diva hide out!

Honestly I am starting this blog because I can't understand why it's seemingly difficult to keep my friends and family updated with me! Today's post isn't going to be a long one but a brief prelude to what hopes to give insight into the person I've evolved into. My frustrations with the love for what I do, an even deeper look into why I love who I love and the love I grown to have for my perfected imperfections! I don't know what you should expect from reading my thoughts but for those of you who know me expect me not to veer from the diva you've all grown to know and love or hate... whatever your feelings are know that mine are based solely on who I am, not what I'm perceived to be. I love most of you and don't care much for the rest! Welcome to my diva diary!

So there's this tree...

There is this "faux" grace tree this week in the reception area at the agency where I work. The idea is to write a name and comment of someone you think is graceful and put the fake leaf cut out on the tree. Now this begs the question: what is grace? I am extremely quiet when it comes to this little activity for reasons that can be imagined and its not because I hate grace. Maybe it applies to no one here, but that's neither here or there. The point of me even writing about this goes beyond the small minds at my job but allows me to reflect on the friends I have who exhibit this rarity. If only we could all embody this quality at all times. Kimshara your grace is unmatched and for this reason I look at you as my personal Grace Kelly! This is dedicated to you. I want to point out however that grace and passiveness are not synonymous, but more about being able to shape situations and execute plans effectively.
I've determined that there is a certain finesse that comes along with being graceful. I am working on my grace by being less annoyed by people, this is seemingly my weak area. I tend to let my annoyance read through on my face and therefore lacking a tolerance for certain people. I am work in progress... imperfect... perfect. Whatever the case, I love the people in my life that are my shining examples of grace thank you to the Hepburn's, the Kelly's, the Kennedy's, and the Fleming's.
*bi sou* Brooke

About Me

My photo
I am the vibration that shakes your foundation, I say things most think but are afraid to say, I'm quirky and have idiosyncracies that make me unique. I love with the might of a thousand men, but can be the worst person you ever met if you cross me! I am secure in my insecurities, assured in my doubt and a lady beyond all else. I don't like living under anyone's spot light but my own. I dance to my own beat and take routes uncharted! I love you but am learning to love me first! This is me