Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to the diva hide out!

Honestly I am starting this blog because I can't understand why it's seemingly difficult to keep my friends and family updated with me! Today's post isn't going to be a long one but a brief prelude to what hopes to give insight into the person I've evolved into. My frustrations with the love for what I do, an even deeper look into why I love who I love and the love I grown to have for my perfected imperfections! I don't know what you should expect from reading my thoughts but for those of you who know me expect me not to veer from the diva you've all grown to know and love or hate... whatever your feelings are know that mine are based solely on who I am, not what I'm perceived to be. I love most of you and don't care much for the rest! Welcome to my diva diary!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay brookie has a blog! I always love what u have to eloquent...miss u girlie!

About Me

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I am the vibration that shakes your foundation, I say things most think but are afraid to say, I'm quirky and have idiosyncracies that make me unique. I love with the might of a thousand men, but can be the worst person you ever met if you cross me! I am secure in my insecurities, assured in my doubt and a lady beyond all else. I don't like living under anyone's spot light but my own. I dance to my own beat and take routes uncharted! I love you but am learning to love me first! This is me