Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So there's this tree...

There is this "faux" grace tree this week in the reception area at the agency where I work. The idea is to write a name and comment of someone you think is graceful and put the fake leaf cut out on the tree. Now this begs the question: what is grace? I am extremely quiet when it comes to this little activity for reasons that can be imagined and its not because I hate grace. Maybe it applies to no one here, but that's neither here or there. The point of me even writing about this goes beyond the small minds at my job but allows me to reflect on the friends I have who exhibit this rarity. If only we could all embody this quality at all times. Kimshara your grace is unmatched and for this reason I look at you as my personal Grace Kelly! This is dedicated to you. I want to point out however that grace and passiveness are not synonymous, but more about being able to shape situations and execute plans effectively.
I've determined that there is a certain finesse that comes along with being graceful. I am working on my grace by being less annoyed by people, this is seemingly my weak area. I tend to let my annoyance read through on my face and therefore lacking a tolerance for certain people. I am work in progress... imperfect... perfect. Whatever the case, I love the people in my life that are my shining examples of grace thank you to the Hepburn's, the Kelly's, the Kennedy's, and the Fleming's.
*bi sou* Brooke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...'re going to make me cry...I don't deserve such...Thank you...we love u too and u my dear are the perfect example of grace, courage, strength and brains! Love u!

About Me

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I am the vibration that shakes your foundation, I say things most think but are afraid to say, I'm quirky and have idiosyncracies that make me unique. I love with the might of a thousand men, but can be the worst person you ever met if you cross me! I am secure in my insecurities, assured in my doubt and a lady beyond all else. I don't like living under anyone's spot light but my own. I dance to my own beat and take routes uncharted! I love you but am learning to love me first! This is me