Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Get fit and firm in 2011

I know we all have those places where we could use some bodily improvement, so for my contribution to a healthier America, I give you a video to help you began to build a better you! This video is an amazing lower body, in home work out. Hope you find it as useful as I have! Dont just watch it, get up and work it!



Holiday Haute Deal spotlight!

As Christmas nears and people rush in and out of stores picking up whatever they can find to wrap and give, Ive retreated to the internet! One of my favorite "haute" spots is Haute look! Check it out and get out of the stores! Great buys and amazing finds! Maybe you'll find a few items for yourself, Get the new years eve look together or just something to lounge around in!
Sign up and happy holiday shopping!



Friday, December 10, 2010

Amping and revamping

Things have undoubtedly changed since I started the blog. Construction is definitely necessary so with that said... stay tuned because Im back and with the sweetest vengeance!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Harder than it seems

While its been way too long since Ive last posted. Sometimes I feel its beneficial to write when Im mad as hell! Trust me, Im mad as hell. Today was not the day for spoiled bratty co-workers to push my buttons... WOOOOSAAAAAH!

Anyway I will be sure to let you all know some really great events coming up!

Stay tuned!


About Me

My photo
I am the vibration that shakes your foundation, I say things most think but are afraid to say, I'm quirky and have idiosyncracies that make me unique. I love with the might of a thousand men, but can be the worst person you ever met if you cross me! I am secure in my insecurities, assured in my doubt and a lady beyond all else. I don't like living under anyone's spot light but my own. I dance to my own beat and take routes uncharted! I love you but am learning to love me first! This is me