Thursday, November 12, 2009

Googoo for GAGA

Ladies and Gentleman she's done it again! Lady Gaga is at it and in a very beautiful way. She and Beyonce collaborate on Beyonce's "Video Phone" and Gaga's "Telephone". These two together just oozes greatness! Wonderful job ladies!

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About Me

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I am the vibration that shakes your foundation, I say things most think but are afraid to say, I'm quirky and have idiosyncracies that make me unique. I love with the might of a thousand men, but can be the worst person you ever met if you cross me! I am secure in my insecurities, assured in my doubt and a lady beyond all else. I don't like living under anyone's spot light but my own. I dance to my own beat and take routes uncharted! I love you but am learning to love me first! This is me